October 4, 2018

Hi there! Welcome to my very first blog post!I am totally new to this and really have no idea what I am doing but I am taking a leap of faith and jumping in. My name is Laura and for the past 25 years, I have worked as an Occupational Therapist, helping children and adults of all ages to gain or regain independence in their activities of daily living.  I am also a Master Gardener, having completed this training program through the University of Maine.

As an adult, I have always loved gardening- flowers, vegetables, berries, and orchards are mainstays in my life.  I have also always wanted to raise chickens and am fortunate to have 10 chickens and two ducks to call my own.

As a child, I grew up in the garden. Ours was humongous-, and we had 2-3 going at a time through the years. We had the vegetable garden, the corn field, the potato field, berry patches, and an orchard of pear and apple trees. 

I can't honestly say I loved gardening back then, there was so much to do to keep all those gardens going, and that required a great deal of work and time. Like any kid, I would have liked to have spent all my time exploring and playing with my neighbors, not hours weeding and picking fruits and vegetables by the bushel full. 

Now, I look back and see the value in those experiences- they taught me the value of hard work and also instilled in me a love of spending time in the garden and orchard. I now feel  blessed by what they offer- both in the bounty they produce and in the peace and tranquility that they bring. 

Those childhood experiences, and a few growing pains along the way, have also taught me that creating a manageable space is of utmost importance. Start small, think smart, and gradually expand as your time and abilities warrant. 

Here where I live in Maine, the leaves are turning color and we are enjoying the beauty of Autumn and the changing of seasons. As I write this first blog post, I am also experiencing a "changing of seasons" as I venture in a new direction that combines my passion for my "profession" with my  passions in my personal life- gardening and hobby farming.  

Gardening and farming activities can bring such joy and a sense of accomplishment to any person no matter the age or stage they are at. A changing of seasons may also apply to where you or a family member are in life, you may need to make changes or adaptations to your garden/farming activities due to age, a disability, or due to other challenges life has brought your way. 

My goal with this blog is to share ideas with you that you may not have known about, adaptations that can be made to make gardening and hobby farming accessible, no matter the changes or challenges you may face, so that you too can begin to, or continue to, enjoy the boundless blessings gardening and hobby farming bring to the mind, body, and spirit. 

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